Your marketing imagery deserves to be as unique as your brand. Say goodbye to the cookie cutter images that flood the internet and say hello to purposeful, scroll-stopping brand photography!

Grab your ideal client's attention with purposeful, authentic imagery.

Are you ready to elevate your brand?

I believe everyone has a story to tell. I believe YOU have a story to tell - and that the world deserves to hear it. Why are you an entrepreneur? Why do you love what you do?

My story started out as an NFL photographer. While working in the sports industry for five years was everything I had dreamed of and worked for, I realized it wasn't for me anymore. I quit and went full-time with my business. I quickly learned that my area was flooded with so many photographers to chose from. So what made me different from the hundreds if not thousands of other photographers? 

Me. While realizing this and embracing this can be scary, I'm here to remind you how incredible you are. In a competitive marketplace, YOU are the differentiator. YOU have the unique abilities, talents and personality that the world deserves. I'm here to capture that creatively and authentically in order for you to showcase your personal brand - because your story is worth telling.

Meet Kaitlyn

Photographer, creator, story teller



- desra simpson

My whole session with Kaitlyn was so on point; from the intake form, to the discovery call of what we wanted, to the details when taking the photos, to the final shots showing up in my inbox so quickly. She has perfected the art of brand photography.

"She has perfected the art of brand photography."

- ryan grilz

Working with Kaitlyn was a superb experience on ALL levels. She was punctual, detailed, highly professional and has a unique ability to make you feel valued. I have personally and professionally worked with numerous photographers and hands down she is the best!

"Hands down she is the best."


- Brianna Szymanski, CRAFT Dentistry

" This experience was incredible. Kaitlyn is a branding genius with a creative mind that is hard to find."


© 2024 Kaitlyn marie cole